Pre-Job Fair Workshop
Pre-Job Fair Workshop
Brush up on your interview skills and polish your resume - or, let us help you build one at this pre-job fair workshop!
Brush up on your interview skills and polish your resume - or, let us help you build one at this pre-job fair workshop!
Looking for a job in and around Whittier? Or, maybe you're looking to hire?! Come join us on Friday, March 31st for a job fair, featuring businesses in and around Whittier. If you're a business interested in hosting a booth, please contact
*Rescheduled from March 29th* Agenda: Summer Trail Volunteer Days HOB and Community Clean-Up Week Overland Service Groups Community Garden Update Trail Contractor Update Snow Machine Update Conoco Community Funds Chamber/Tourism Best Practices Updates
All regular meetings are streamed on our YouTube channel: City of Whittier YouTube Find the meeting packet here:
Join the Port & Harbor Advisory Commission at their regular meeting, beginning at 6:00pm, immediately followed by a work session to discuss Title 12 changes.
All regular meetings are streamed on our YouTube channel: City of Whittier YouTube
**Rescheduled from March 22nd** Please join the Planning & Zoning Commission for a regular meeting at 6:00pm, followed immediately by a work session to discuss Whittier Municipal Code Title 17 updates.
Please join us for the Port and Harbor Advisory Commission's regular meeting. Find the agenda here: And the meeting packet here: