The Whittier Bay Campground is located at the established campground at the “Head of the Bay” location, which is located to the left after you exit the tunnel. City Campgrounds have no water or electricity available on site. Camping is “first come, first served” and shall not be for more than 7-days.
The campgrounds are not maintained throughout the winter and do not open until the snow has melted to a manageable level, generally around mid-May. Keep an eye on our social media pages to find out when the campgrounds officially open each season:
Status Update
The Whittier Bay Campground is open! Please note, construction and heavy equipment operations are in full swing in preparation for the Head of the Bay project (check out more information on the project here). Your experience recreating at the Head of the Bay may be punctuated by loud, sudden, and varied noises!
Tent Site + Vehicle $ 11.00 day
Tent Site + Vehicle $ 65.00 week
RV/Trailer/Motorhome $ 20.00 day
RV/Trailer/Motorhome $120.00 week
Please Pay at:
City of Whittier Harbormaster’s Office
1 Harbor Road, Whittier, AK 99693
(907) 472-2327 x7
For more information on places to camp and stay, please visit the Greater Whittier Chamber of Commerce website